Our Techniques

The Aubourn team are professional, knowledgeable and operate with the highest integrity. We are able to work with a wide variety of differing land types, providing the maximum yield and financial returns whilst also preserving natural resources.


Aubourn cropping focuses on Winter Wheat with break crops of Spring Barley, Oil Seed Rape, Beans, Combinable Peas, Sugar Beet, Potatoes and Poppies. Rotations used are kept simple, but are managed and developed to deliver the best possible returns whilst also providing long term sustainability.

Aubourn grows a wide range of crops ensuring that workload is spread throughout the year and that operations are completed in a timely manner.

We operate a non-inversion cultivation strategy and the benefits of this are evident in the structure and behaviour of the soils we farm.

Our cropping and rotations allow for control of pests, disease and weeds by cultural means as far as possible before resorting to pesticides and IFM (Integrated Farm Management) is practised throughout every step of production.

Our machinery is expertly maintained and regularly serviced. The technology utilised on our farms incorporates the leading developments of modern agriculture.

Health and Safety

Aubourn Farming recognises that Health and Safety and wellbeing at work is a fundamental requirement of a sustainable farming business and an essential part of farm business management.

Our staff have a right to safely return home from work and we operate a comprehensive training programme alongside an in-depth health and safety system.


Aubourn utilises conscientious, innovative and environmentally sensitive farming techniques which ensure that environmental benefits are delivered, while at the same time minimising the impact on operational efficiency.

  • We are committed to long term regenerative farming, working to leave a positive land legacy for future generations.
  • We can help to develop the environmental aspects of your land, including implementation and management of stewardship schemes, promotion and implementation of drainage schemes, establishment of cover crops and promotion of species biodiversity.
  • We are members of LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming), and value our responsibility to care for the land we work in a truly sustainable way.

Soil Health

Aubourn understands that soil is our most important asset and that a healthy, balanced soil is the foundation necessary for profitable agriculture.

  • We utilise minimum tillage methods to enhance soil organisms.
  • We spread pig and chicken muck to increase the levels of organic matter contained in the soils we farm.
  • We utilise nutrient mapping and use these tools to inform our management decisions.


Aubourn employ the services of top independent agronomists to manage crop husbandry. Independent agronomic advice and research is used as the basis of our agronomic strategy.